Scott Pape’s Money Revolution Should Be Implemented by the State Governments of Australia

You can be a part of this money movement

Angus Ladyman-Palmer
5 min readJul 9, 2021
Picture from Scott Pape’s Money Movement page

We need a financial revolution in this country, and it needs to start with our kids.

Scott Pape used this as the first line on his petition, it hit home the feeling that I wish I was more financially knowledgeable from a young age and I’m positive that you may feel this is the case for yourself too.

Many young people are going to have the financial odds set against them, so they’ll have to know how to play the financial game — otherwise, it will be played against them. This is what Scott Pape’s Money Movement is about.

Scott created programs that got children to learn hands-on and gain experience, whether it is kids teaching their parents about pocket money (in primary school), saving up for something on their wish list and obtaining a part-time job (in high school.)

His motto is “Teach the kids, help the parents, change the nation.”

The Money Movement Manifesto

The rich are getting much richer … while the young, and the poor … are mostly not getting anywhere. — Scott Pape.

Even though children spend about 2,400 days in school, none have been taught the money skills they will be challenged with every day of their lives.
Most of us were not taught these skills either, we had to learn our lessons the hard way and many of us are still learning such as myself. Not to mention that Aussie families are dealing with some of the highest household debt in the world.

Implement a practical 4–6 week Money Challenge every year

The Premier’s Reading Challenge was created to encourage schoolchildren to read while literacy rates were declining, and it succeeded! Similarly, Scott is urging state governments to support a Money Challenge: not simply another obligation on an already overburdened curriculum, but something thrilling that schools will embrace because it is necessary — and enjoyable!

Show primary schoolers the power of working, saving, spending and giving

It’s incredible what can happen when you get youngsters enthusiastic. A group of six-year-olds came up with the concept of using their class’s ‘Give’ money to feed homeless people in their neighbourhood during a trial Money Challenge at a school in Hervey Bay (one of the poorer parts of the country). For them — and for their community — it was a life-changing experience.

Show high schoolers how to get a job and set up their savings ‘buckets’

Do you recall wondering in class, as a teenager, “How will I ever use this in the real world?” Scott witnessed youngsters who were the first in their families to land a job and start saving money at a pilot Money Challenge. Consider how different your life would be if someone had assisted you on your first payday. That is something we desire for every Australian child. Let’s set them up for success.

Commit to financial development financial education for teachers

Teachers are not in the profession for the money; it is a calling. Even so, it’s difficult to speak in front of a class of Year 9s on the risks of credit cards when you’re personally in debt. To summarise, we need financially fit teachers to raise financially fit children.

Kick the banks out of our schools

Having banks teach our kids about money is like having Ronald McDonald teach them about nutrition, Scott expresses and I wholeheartedly agree. The financial education of our children is much too essential to be outsourced. ASIC, the government’s financial regulator, is free of business interests and should be in charge of implementing the programme.

These are the 5 core aims of Scott’s Money Movement.

Why didn’t we get taught this and the information in his books at school?
That is a question Scott Pape went to try to find the answer to, this journey led him to schools, talking to teachers, parents, students and politicians for two years. What he learned was that we need to do a lot better.

What we’re doing at the moment doesn’t work. Too many children graduate into a lifetime of debt at the bottom of the financial class, having little knowledge of the contracts that they sign.

The State Governments of Australia should do something about the financial issues and lack of financial knowledge we face, these core aims reflect on how we can do better. They should work with Scott and the ideas he proposes to help the present and future Australians become more financially fit.

Scott had a documentary crew with him capturing everything, even when he didn’t get it right, while he was trialling his Money Movement pilot program in schools to make it better and prove it works.
You can watch the documentary through Foxtel and Binge.

Scott Pape has worked with the Government, major businesses, struggling single mums, elderly pensioners, schools and teachers, the nightly news, the AFL and NRL teams over the years.

He wrote 2 bestselling books in Australia on money and his advice on how to be financially smarter and better, he has gained a cult-like following from helping hundreds and thousands of Aussies.

Scott gave up his financial licence in 2020 to pursue being a not for profit financial advisor to fight for and help people in need, such as mothers who are victims of abuse fleeing with their kids from home with zero money, fathers who can’t pay their bills and gets diagnosed with cancer that is terminal, teenagers who have thousands of dollars in loans with Wallet Wizard causing them to feel depressed and suicidal.

On top of this, he advocates for these battlers. He has donated over $500,000 of his own money to fund financial counsellors and is a founding donor of Financial Counselling Australia.

Adelaide Australia found in a study that $5 returns to the country for every $1 that is invested in financial counselling.

The Takeaway

Australia is on the edge of a financial meltdown cliff, Scott Pape is fighting back at Australia’s money issues and doing his best to help Aussies find their financially secure bare feet.
He is taking action through his Money Movement by teaching his pilot finance program in schools to help kids get financially smart, he is also calling upon the State Governments of Australia to agree to his five demands which include teaching our kids money skills and kicking the money reaping banks out of our schools.

Together we can create a change and help the vision of Scott’s motto, “teach the kids, help the parents, change the nation.”

Scott is committed to working with any government that agrees to take this on, offering his time and expertise for free.

If you would like to learn more or help out and sign his petition, you can follow this link here.

If you’re in financial hardship, you can call the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007 and talk to or set up an appointment with a community-based, not-for-profit financial counsellor.
They’re free, they’re confidential and they’re the unsung heroes of the financial world.

Feel free to follow if you would like to keep in touch.



Angus Ladyman-Palmer

A passionate guy voicing opinions, works and knowledge. Doing my best to help make a better future. Australian.